How To Add Dependency in Spring Boot Project | pom.xml file

Submitted by manoj on

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to how to add dependency in Spring Boot Project. So guys, let's check out the prerequisite first.

Additional info: ( pom.xml) file is used to add dependencies in maven based Project.


Should be Already created maven based project if not please follow Maven Based Project

Whitelabel Error Page Problem Solved in Spring boot

Submitted by manoj on

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to Solve Whitelabel Error Page Problem in Spring Boot application.

Additional info:


Must have have look in error status code (404 or 500 or some thing else)

Install Extension Pack

Step 1: Open visual studio and install some recommended extension as below

  • Extension Pack for Java Extension Pack of (6)

     spring boot

How to Install & Run Java in Visual Studio Code

Submitted by manoj on

This is about - how to set up and run a Java program in visual studio code on Windows.  In this post, I have shown a step-by-step complete guide for setting up Java in VS Code.  

Software install

1. install latest  Java JDK

2. install latest vs code ide

3. intstall popular  extension

   3.1 Extension Pack for Java

   3.2 Code Runner

Create project

Create a folder like javaProject

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