Whitelabel Error Page Problem Solved in Spring boot

Submitted by manoj on

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to Solve Whitelabel Error Page Problem in Spring Boot application.

Additional info:


Must have have look in error status code (404 or 500 or some thing else)

Install Extension Pack

Step 1: Open visual studio and install some recommended extension as below

  • Extension Pack for Java Extension Pack of (6)

     spring boot

War File

Submitted by manoj on

A war (web archive) File contains files of a web project. It may have servlet, xml, jsp, image, html, css, js etc. files.

How to create war file

To create war file, we need to use jar tool of JDK.

jar -cvf projectname.war *

-c is used to create file,

-v to generate the verbose output and

-f to specify the arhive file name.

How to deploy war file

How to extract war file

Apache Tomcat Setup and Web Project Deployment in Visual Studio code

Submitted by manoj on

In this article we will learn to setup apache tomcat in Visual Studio Code and then we will see how to create a war file from a web project and deployment in  tomcat and run application.

Important to know:

- Visual Studio code does not come with any embedded application server.

- As we know to work with web application we required server integration.

-In Visual Studio Code , We need third party extension to integrate appliaction server like tomcat.

So, Lets learn  Apache Tomcat Setup and Web Project Deployment


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