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How to build a Web Application Using Java in Visual Studio Code

In Java there are 3 popular ways to create a dynamic Web Application

lets go into deep for each ways.

1. Servlet :

First Web Application Using Java Servlet In this section, we will see how to create a website using Java Servlets and HTML To create a web application

we need the following tools:

Download link :
Visual Studio Code IDE 
Download link :
Apache Maven 
Download link :
Database ( Mysql) Server 
Download link :
Tomcat Server 
Download link :

Before Creating any web application, I am assuming the above tools are properly installed on your system.

Now, Open Visual Studio Code Create a Maven based Web Project




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  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].
  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].