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How to Install Java on Windows machine

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Java on window machine. So guys, let's do it.

Additional info:


  • Windows 10 and above
  • Machine with Administrator privileges
  • Internet

Check if Java Is Installed

  • Open a command prompt
  • Run the following command:


Download Java

Step 1: Go to java official website Official Download Page

Step 2: Under available now choose Windows and download x64 Installer.


Run the Downloaded File

Step 3: Start the installation by double-clicking the downloaded file.

Step 4: Now click next


Step 5: Now click next


Step 6: Sucessfully installed and close it.


Set Environmental Variables in Java

Step 7: Open the Start menu and search 'environment variables'.


Step 8: In the System Properties window, under the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables


Step 9: Under the user variables category, click on New set variable name 'JAVA_HOME' and variable value 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21' and click on OK.


Step 10: Under the System variables category, select the Path variable and click Edit:


Step 11: Click the New button and enter the path to the Java bin directory(path is usually C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin.):


Step 12: Test the Java Installation


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