Submitted by manoj on

In this article we will learn to setup apache tomcat in Visual Studio Code and then we will see how to create a war file from a web project and deployment in  tomcat and run application.

Important to know:

- Visual Studio code does not come with any embedded application server.

- As we know to work with web application we required server integration.

-In Visual Studio Code , We need third party extension to integrate appliaction server like tomcat.

So, Lets learn  Apache Tomcat Setup and Web Project Deployment


Step1:Setup maven web based project

Step 2: Create war file buy running command 'mvn clean package'


check if BUILD SUCCESS , if yes Then Congrats....

Step3: Install 'Community Server Connectors'  extension

Step4: Download latest tomcat server from the link 

Step4: After Installed Community Server Connectors Now you can see  servers  at the bottom of  visual studio 

Step5: right click on Community Server Connectors and choose Create New Server. A prompt will open and  ask  Download server?

Choose  yes if you dont have already .

Choose No, use server on disk and select desired server location.

You can see your server and right click on server and choose to 'Start  Server' 

Congrats, Started  Server,  verify your server where you already configured with port number like http://localhost:8089/

Step5:  For deployement right click on tomat server and choose 'Add Deployment'.

Step6:  Choose type of deployment  like file 

Step7: Choose war file  further will ask you 'Do you want to edit optional deployment parameters' and chooose No

Step8: right click on tomat server and choose 'Publish Server (Full)'.

Step9: right click on tomat server and choose  'Publish Server (Full)' and start the server again after that you will see (Starting) (Synchronised).

Step10:  Deployment sucessfull, right click and go to 'Sever action' and choose 'show in browser'  Deployment' and choose localhost  for example http://localhost:8089/servletapp/

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