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Translator| Why do we need a translator?

Translator (computer program) that is used to translates one language to lower-level language , as computer can not understand  high-level language so, required to translate into lower-level language.

computer  understand low level language.

translator provide a interface to computer to read high level language.

Types of translator

There are two types of translator are

  1. Compiler

     Translate from high-level language to lower-level language

    Low level example : Assembly language, object code or machine code

User-defined data types

A user-defined data type (UDT) is a data type that derived from an existing data type. You can use UDTs to extend the built-in types already available and create your own customized data types.

There are six user-defined types:

Design Patterns

Types of design pattern

design patterns that can be broadly categorized into three types.

Dependency Injection (DI)

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern/technique that removes dependencies from computer code, making the application easier to maintain and test.

injecting a object into another object i.e. dependency injection

Ways of Injecting dependencies

Dependency Injection can be done in two ways.

  1. Using setter injection
  2. Using constructOr injection

inversion of control vs dependency injection


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