Submitted by admin on

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Spring Boot Project with Eclipse. So guys, let's check out the prerequisite first.

Additional info:


Must have java jdk installed on your machine Official Java Download Link

Your favorite Eclipse IDE. Not installed yet Official Download Link

Create Spring boot Project using spring initializr

Step 1: Go to and select below details.

  • Project: Maven
  • Language: Java
  • Spring Boot: default
  • Project Metadata : Group, Artifact, Name, Description, Package name.

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Install Dependency

Step 2: Add depenecy as per project requirement in my case thease are below

  • Spring Web
  • MySQL Driver
  • Thymeleaf
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Lombok

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Step 3: Click Generate Project as zip file.


first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Step 4: First extracted the zip file,import project in Eclipse for this go to (File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Project' , browse, select folder and finish it.

Once you click Finish, Maven would take some time to download all the dependencies and initialize the project. That’s it. Your first Spring Project is Ready.

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Step 14: Open file where main method is already defined and write print statement.


first spring boot application using the Eclipse

This print statement is used to confirm wheteher project run sucessfully or not(for later use when you will run your project).

Building The Application

Step 4:Set Build Automatically

Go to (Project -> Build Automatically)

first spring boot application using the Eclipse


Step 5:Set Build Manual

Find a main class That’s annotated with @SpringBootApplication.

Run The Application

Before run lets first Install run helper tool ie 'spring tool',

Go to Help and choose Eclipse Marketplace.

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Search 'spring tool' and install latest one.

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Reload Eclipse Once installed 100% .

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

right Click and choose 'Run as' and further choose 'Spring Boot App'

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Step 17: Congrats ! you have created your first project sucessfully.

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Above high lighted message is same as you have already set in the main method of SpringBootApplication.

Restart And Stop

Click on relaunch icon

first spring boot application using the Eclipse

Step 19: Run your application on browsers localhost along with port no (http://localhost:8080/).

Step 20: By default if you see Whitelabel Error Page with status code 400,

first spring boot application using the visual studio code

It is expected Because, may be No route configure yet, its time to make your project functional....

lets Create front page route by setting two required properties


Step 21: Restart your application and navigate to browsers(http://localhost:8080/).

first spring boot application using the visual studio code

Congrats !

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