About Solidity Programming Language
Solidity is an object-oriented high programming language used for implementing Ethereum-based smart contracts or dapps.The syntax is similar to Javascript and is statically typed which makes it quite understandable for most programmers.
Solidity is statically typed language.
Solidity is influnced by C++,Python and javascript. Solidity filename extension is .sol
Solidity is the main programming language for DeFi (Decentralized Finance).
How to Install Solidity in Windows?
To install solidity we minimum required windows 10, as only windows 10 provides built-in Linux Subsystem.
Step 1: Go to control panel > program > Programs and features > Turn Windows features on or off and toggle to 'Windows Subsystem for Linux'
Step 2: restarts system and install “Ubuntu LTS” from Microsoft store and after installation set it up.
Step 3: Open ubentue terminal and install necessary dependencies like cURL, Node version manager(NVM), NodeJS and Node Packet Manager(NPM). \
1. Install cURL :
sudo apt-get install curl
curl --version
2. Install NVM:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
nvm --version
3. Install NodeJS
nvm install node
node --version
npm --version
4. Install solidity compiler solc:
npm install -g solc
solcjs --version
Step 3:Congrats
How to Install Remix locally in Windows?
Step 1: Open official website https://remix-project.org/ and find Remix Desktop IDE and click on on Get our Desktop App and download .exe file .
Step 2: install .exe file and restart system.
Step 3:Congrats
Note: If you do not wish to install it locally, we may also use it online here https://remix.ethereum.org/
Purpose to develop Solidity Programming Language
Simple answer for constructing and designing smart contracts on Blockchain platforms. It's used to create smart contracts that implement business logic and generate a chain of transaction records in the blockchain system..
Key faeture of solidity
1. Smart Contract
JDK stands for Java Development Kit provide all the tools to work with java language. inside JDK contains JRE and JVM.
JRE: JRE stands for Java Runtime Envirnment. it provide an envirnment to execute the Java program. it is a kind of compiler and check program sytntax.
it internally contains JVM .
JVM: JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, it is a software in the form of interpreter written in C language It is used to execute Java program. It basically works after the compiler generates a .class file, then JVM interprete .class file to execute Java program.
Java Program complete execution process
java program always begin with the main function.
execution is done in two steps
Compilation process
Execution process in Detail
Why public static void main(String args[ ])
javac class_name.java
java class_name
Features of Java
Frequently Asked Questions
- Simple and easy to learn .
- Open source .
- Plateform independent .
- Secure .
- Embeded .
- Compiled and intrepreted .
- Roboust .
- Large library and framworks .