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Introduction To Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)


This tool basically evolution of  SDLC Process with time.

AKS is fully managed container management service provided by Microsoft Azure(Popular cloud service provider)

Azure(Cloud computing)    +   Kubernetes Service    =      Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure, the cloud platform managed by Microsoft Azure.

Kubernetes Service is used to manage Docker.

Kubernetes: Kubernetes is open source container management system.

Nodes means virtual machine example node1,node2 means VM1, VM2 etc.

Pod means application pod1, pod means Application1, Application 2 etc.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)  means ready to deploy managed by Microsoft.

What Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) does:

It offers

  • end to end deployment
  • scalability
  • availability
  • load balancing



should prior experience on Drupal, Docker containers, Kubernetes and Azure.

How to deploy Kubernetes service on Azure

Create and manage Azure file shares

Using Portal
Using PowerShell
Using Azure CLI

Deployment Using Portal 

For deployment First we require to create Kubernetes cluster (azure virtual machine) to host the application

Step1: First Go to 

Step2: Select Hamburger Icons and select  All services tab

Step3: Search aks and choose Kubernetes services 

Step4: click on add icon

Step5: Specify cluster details under CLUSTER DETAILS section and click on create cluster button 

Step6: After create cluster it will start deployment wait until finish(behind the seen Kubernetes will launch a Linux instance to start)

Step7: After finish go to All resources menu and  find your cluster name

Step8: click on cluster name and and select Overview Tab

Step9: Select View Kubetion to rurnetes Dashboard opn the service.

Step10: To open Kubernetes Dashboard locally completed the  following mentioned step.


Using Portal need to create Kubernetes  Dashboard locally 

Step11: install the Azure CLI

Step12: login to portal by using command  az login

Step13: open window power shell and run az aks install-cli

If getting path variable error


add system path environment variable  and again run  az aks install-cli 

Step14: If successful, it will open Kubernetes Dashboard locally


Now its time to create pod (Particular Application) for deployment 

there are 3 different option for Application deployment 

  1. CREATE FROM TEST INPUT ie. yml OR json files( if file not ready)
  2. CREATE FROM FILE ie yml OR json files (if file ready)
  3. CREATE AN APP if you want to deploy a container from server(ngnx or apache)

Step15: click on + create icon 

Step16: Here I am using option 3 so click on CREATE AN APP and mentioned details like app name ,container image, no of pods, (services internal or externals) , port, and click on deploy button.

Step17:  check services option click under external end point if everting fine a NGNX server will run on browser from one of the pods.


Step17:Again go to  Kubernetes  Dashboard click on Monitor containers click on container and you can see your NGNX container here.


Now its time to Scale container

Again go to  Kubernetes  Dashboard  overview->relica set->scale->choose no of pods

you can see  container on Dashboard.

