Submitted by admin on
Release in JAUNARY 5, 2011
  • Release in NOVEMBER 19, 2015
  • Template engine(Drupal 8 now has a Twig engine)
  • Symfony framework(Symfony 3 Integration for high code security level)
  • Multilingual Support(Drupal 8 introduces default support for multilingual with new modules are used, which are responsible for the translation of interface, configuration, content and content management)
  • Loading speed(For Performance improved caching mechanism)
  • Text editor(CKEditor module is included in Drupal 8 core)
  • Responsive web design(Drupal 8 have breakpoint media queries).
  • Configuration Management(default support )
  • Routing system has changed
  • Breadcrumb is newly added as service i.e. breadcrumb service
  • Symfony 4
  • Olivero - New Default Front-End Theme
  • Clario Administrator theme
  • Symfony 6.2
  • CKEditor 5
  • PHP 8.1
  • Drupal 10 will now no longer support Internet Explorer 11.