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Submitted by admin on 20 December 2023

Adding CSS classes to templates allows you to target templates or corridor of the template in your CSS lines.

For illustration, if you want a different background colour per content type, also you need a way to identify each content type with a CSS chooser. By dereliction the knot template includes a class for each content type, making it easy for you to target each bone . You ’ll see this in action latterly on in this tutorial. You'll also learn how to produce your own classes.

Adding a single class
To add a class, pass in the class name as an argument to the attributes.addClass() function.
	<div {{ attributes.addClass('classname') }}>

Adding multiple classes
To add multiple classes to an element, produce an array with all of the class names. To produce an array in Twig, use the set label followed by the name of the array.
	set classes = [
And also pass that array to the attributes.addClass() function.
	<div {{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>

Classes are added with existing classes if any
If there are any classes that already exist, the new classes will be combined. Thus, all the classes will be included in the element.
Removing a class
You have the option to remove one of the existing classes. To do that, you can use the attributes.removeClass() function.
	<div {{ attributes.addClass(classes).removeClass('node') }}>

Two practical examples.
In your code editor, navigate to the templates in the Classy theme.(core/themes/classy/templates).
Single class
Open field/time.html.twig. This is an example of a single class being added to the time element.
	<time{{ attributes.addClass('datetime') }}>{{ text }}</time>
Multiple class array
Open up layout/region.html. The classes array
	set classes = [
		'region-' ~ region|clean_class,
Two classes are present in this example. The first one is a simple one called'region'. The second one seems more interesting.
'region-' ~ region|clean_class,
Let’s break this down
  • region-' a simple sting
  • ~ The Twig operator concatenates two strings together.
  • region: The region is variable. The actual region (e.g. block) will be replaced.
  • |: A pipe that distinguishes a variable (region) from a filter (clean_class).
  • clean_class: A filter that will eliminate any invalid characters from HTML classes
If you have a block in the header region, then the above code will add a class called region-header.
Node class
The last example consists of the classes added to the article element in the node template. Go to content/node.html.twig and open it. Another example of multiple classes can be found here.
  set classes = [
	'node--type-' ~ node.bundle|clean_class,
	node.isPromoted() ? 'node--promoted',
	node.isSticky() ? 'node--sticky',
	not node.isPublished() ? 'node--unpublished',
	view_mode ? 'node--view-mode-' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
The node template will have a class for the content type, making it easy for you to specify styles for specific content types. That is defined by below line.
      node-- type-' ~ nodebundle|clean_class,
A content type is a type of pack in Drupal. Sonode.bundle will return the content type machine name. Just like the field illustration, this is passed through theclean_class sludge. still, the class added to composition will be If you're viewing an composition knot.
There are also four conditions that check if commodity exists before adding the class. For example
	node.isPromoted() ? 'node--promoted',
This ensures that the node is promoted to the frontage. If it is, it adds the promoted class to the node.
        not node.isPublished() ? 'node--unpublished',
This checks if the node has not been published. it adds the node--unpublished class.