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What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

Parameters DBMS RDBMS
Access Data elements need to be accessed separately. Multiple data elements can be accessed at the same time.
Relationship Between Data FNo relationship between data. Data in tables are related to each other.
Normalization It is not present. It is present.
Distributed Database It does not support distributed databases. It supports distributed database.
Data Storage Format Data is stored in either a navigational or hierarchical form. Data is stored in a tabular structure with headers being the column names and the rows containing the corresponding values.
Amount of Data It deals with a small quantity of data. It deals with a larger amount of data.
Data Redundancy It is prevalent. Keys and indexes do not allow data redundancy.
Number of Users It supports a single user. It supports multiple users.
Data Fetching It is slower for large amounts of data. It is speedy due to the relational approach.
Data Security Low-security levels when it comes to data manipulation. Multiple levels of data security exist.
Software and Hardware Requirements. Low. High.
Examples XML, Window Registry, etc. MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, etc.

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