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Set Up Windows Voice Welcome Message on Start up



Step1: Create file with .vbs extension

Open notepad and copy below code

dim statement, voice
            statement="Hello WelcomeBack mr.raj to your PC"
            set voice=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
            voice.speak statement

Set Up Windows Voice Welcome Message on Start up / Log In

Step2: Press Windows +R , clcick on ok

Type shell:startup

Set Up Windows Voice Welcome Message on Start up / Log In

Step3: Paste your .vbs file here

Set Up Windows Voice Welcome Message on Start up / Log In

Go to control panel > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound > Sounds

Uncheck 'Play Windows Startup sound', Apply and ok.

Set Up Windows Voice Welcome Message on Start up / Log In

Step4: Congrats!, When you start your PC next time, you will receive a welcome message.

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  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].
  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].