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key features of Drupal

Drupal has below key features.

1. Upload Module
The Upload Module enables users to attach different types of files to nodes
2. Embedding
By embedding, you can add media to nodes hosted on your websites.
3. Multilingual support
For businesses and organizations looking to reach global audiences, Drupal's core has built-in support for multiple languages.
4. Scalability
Drupal is an ideal option for businesses as it can boost content and web page traffic without requiring significant modifications.
5. Security
Drupal is known for its reliability and security, as it regularly releases security updates to address vulnerabilities.
5. Reusable UI components
From Drupal 10.1 onwards, reusable UI components are available to simplify UI/UX development.
5. Enhanced content authoring capabilities
To empower content creators, Drupal 10.1 onwards provides enhanced content authoring capabilities.
5. Decoupled menus
Drupal's Decoupled Menus initiative aims to improve JavaScript for today's growing JavaScript.
5. Claro administration theme
A modern and clean administration theme is included in Drupal 9's core onwords for improved accessibility.
5. Olivero default theme
The Olivero theme, which is available for Drupal 10 onwords, offers a polished look for new users and sets a high standard for other contributing themes.
5. Theme starterkit tools
The Theme Starterkit, available in Drupal 10, is a new tool that offers tools and templates for creating custom themes.

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  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].
  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].