Submitted by manoj on

Hello everyone, welcome back to techbrushup. In this tutorial, we're gonna see how to install and configure the meta tag module so let's get started, the meta tag module allows you to manage your meta tags within Drupal. 

Additional info: if you want to learn more about the module just head over to .

Download and Install

The most popular way to add the Module through Composer. Because using composer we don't need to care about dependencies as composer downloads it automatically. Go to module page 

Download using Composer

composer require drupal/metatag


There are two ways to install the Module using manually or using drush.

Install manually

Once module downloaded go to Extend Search for meta tags and enable it.



Install using Drush Installation link

How to configure metatags

Once the Metatag module has been installed,Click to Configure link or navigate to /admin/config/search/metatag. You can see default configuration and settings for all content. Before custom configuration lets have a look default configuration first.

default configuration



first one is global anything configured here will be used across the whole site.

Front page

just for the home page we can configure the meta tags differently.

Custom meta tags configuration

Before going into dive lets understand how modules work, The Meta Tag module works hierarchically based means suppose if you want to create meta tag for a particular content type like article, First it will inherit from the default configuration type: content and type: global


As per requirements lets create meta tags for a particular content type and i'll show you how to do that.

Metatag module allows you to kind of override configuration.


Click on Add default meta tags and select your favourete content Type from dropdown


Basic Tags

Page title

Under Basic tags choose Page title, Click Browse available tokens link to insert and choose particular tokens [current-page:title] | [site:name]



Under Basic tags Choose Description, Browse available tokens link to insert and choose particular tokens [node:summary]



Under Basic tags Choose Keywords, Browse available tokens link to insert and choose particular tokens [node:field_tags]


Then click on Save.

twitter cards using meta tag

how to set up open graph tags using meta tag


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