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Google Cloud Certification Path

1. Foundational
First exam in the world of GCP. Foundational level certification provides details about Cloud concept as well as the Google Cloud's products and services.

Recommended Experience

- There is no technical requirements
Certification Name: Cloud Digital Leader 
About Cloud Digital Leader Certification
  • The exam assesses the knowledge and skills of individuals who want or are required to understand the purpose and application of Google Cloud products.
  • Pre-requisites: None
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 60
  • Format: Multiple-choice questions
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Exam Cost: USD 99

The Cloud Digital Leader certification is valid for three years from the date certified.

2. Associate Cloud Engineer
Associate level certification provides details about Cloud project Deployement, Maintenance and Monitoring of the application and operation.

Recommended Experience

- 6+ months of work experience on Google Cloud
Certification Name: Associate Cloud Engineer 
3. Proffesional level certification
Proffesional level certification provides important technical job functions and advanced skills in google Cloud product Design ,Implementaion and Management.

Recommended Experience

- 3+ Years of Cloud Industy expertise

Total no of certification: 8

Certifications Name: Cloud Architect, Cloud Developer, Data Engineer, Cloud Devops Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, Cloud Network Engineer, Google Workspace Administrator, Machine Learning Eng

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