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Drupal Architecture

Drupal is a content management system. The system has mostly five layers. Let's understand how information flows between each of the system's layers.

1. Data Layer(Node etc)
base layer, it must be input as data. We generally transfer data (content, entity, user, etc.) from Drupal to the front end..
2. Modules Layer
Modules allowing you to add functionality as per the requirement. Modules are either core or contributed.
3. Blocks and Menus Layer
Blocks arei ndividual piece of content Menus are navigators in Drupal.
4. User Permissions Layer
This is where settings are set to determine which types of users are permitted to do and see. Users are assigned to different roles to grant them the defined permissions.
5. Prenenation(OR theme OR Templates) Layer
HTML, CSS, and Twig templates are typically used in the site theme, which is the UI/UX of the website.

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  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].
  • You can use shortcode for block builder module. You can visit admin/structure/gavias_blockbuilder and get shortcode, sample [gbb name="page_home_1"].