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Difference Between Arrow Function and Normal Function

The main difference between arrow functions and normal functions in JavaScript is that arrow functions don't bind their own `this` value. Instead, they inherit the `this` binding of the scope in which they are defined. Lets understand with example.

When function refer to objects

Normal Function

When Normal Function refer to objects they bind their own `this` value.

const human = {
  name: "Sourabh",
  age: 21,
  sayName: function () {
    console.log("Normal function : " +;


Normal function : Sourabh

Arrow Function

while In the case of the Arrow function, they don't bind their own `this` value Instead, they inherit the this value from the surrounding lexical context (i.e., the scope in which they are defined).

example to illustrate how arrow functions inherit the `this` binding from the surrounding scope:

// Regular function
function regularFunction() {
  console.log("Regular function this:", this);

// Arrow function
const arrowFunction = () => {
  console.log("Arrow function this:", this);

const obj = {
  regular: regularFunction,
  arrow: arrowFunction

regularFunction(); // Regular function this: [object Window] (or global object in Node.js)
arrowFunction();   // Arrow function this: [object Window] (or global object in Node.js)

obj.regular();    // Regular function this: { regular: [Function: regularFunction], arrow: [Function: arrowFunction] }
obj.arrow();      // Arrow function this: { regular: [Function: regularFunction], arrow: [Function: arrowFunction] }


Regular function this: Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: '', location: Location,…}
Arrow function this: Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: '', location: Location,…}
Regular function this: {regular: ƒ, arrow: ƒ}
Arrow function this: Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: '', location: Location,…}

When function don't refer to objects

There is no diffrence when don't refer to objects

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