Submitted by admin on

With this simple trick, you can activate the window of laptop or PC and convert it into the original window and that too for life time.


Step 1 : You simply have to search on Google by typing 'window 10 activator txt'

Select first github link

activate windows

Step 2 : Create .bat files

Now you have to open Notepad and copy the code. Now name this file activator.bat.

activate windows

Step 3 : Run as administartor click on yes

activate windows

Congrats Now your window has been activated sucessfully.


How to removes windows activation mark

Step 1 : Open Notepad in your PC and now copy and paste this code in Notepad

    @echo off
    taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe

activate windows

Step 2 : Create .bat files

Now you have to open Notepad and copy the code. Now name this file activator.bat.

activate windows

Step 3 : Run as administartor click on yes

activate windows

Command prompt will open once and close automatically

restart your PC.

Step 4 : Click on Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center > make the computer easier to use

Mark checked 'remove background images' click on apply and ok.

activate windows

Step 5 : Restart your PC.

Congrats Now your window has been activated sucessfully.

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