With this simple trick, you can activate the window of laptop or PC and convert it into the original window and that too for life time.
Step 1 : You simply have to search on Google by typing 'window 10 activator txt'
Select first github link https://github.com/abhishhh1/Windows-Activator/blob/master/windows%20activation.txt
Step 2 : Create .bat files
Now you have to open Notepad and copy the code. Now name this file
.Step 3 : Run as administartor click on yes
Congrats Now your window has been activated sucessfully.
How to removes windows activation mark
Step 1 : Open Notepad in your PC and now copy and paste this code in Notepad
@echo off
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
Step 2 : Create .bat files
Now you have to open Notepad and copy the code. Now name this file
.Step 3 : Run as administartor click on yes
Command prompt will open once and close automatically
restart your PC.
Step 4 : Click on Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center > make the computer easier to use
Mark checked 'remove background images' click on apply and ok.
Step 5 : Restart your PC.
Congrats Now your window has been activated sucessfully.